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EricssonWelcome to Ericsson in Ghana. The purpose of Ericsson is to create connections that make the unimaginable possible. We created the technology that first connected people and will soon connect everything. But our role as a connector and orchestrator also means more – from being a key contributor to the open standards that enable our industry; to providing innovation environments to shape and prove new solutions; to driving global partnerships that scale the impact of technology for positive change.

Vision: A world where limitless connectivity improves lives, redefines business and pioneers a sustainable future for positive change.

Ericsson Ghana has supported in the growth and development of the Telecommunications industry across the nation for over two decades since the inception when we enabled the first 2G GSM site in 1996. Ericsson is thrilled to have supported Ghana across multiple technology domains and services over these past years.

Ericsson received immediate success bringing telecom services to Ghana as the sole supplier of GSM network infrastructure to Spacefone (later MTN), Mobitel (later Tigo) and Westel (later Airtel) and played a key technical role in network merger of Airtel and Tigo (AirtelTigo, now AT Ghana).

Ericsson has accomplished a long list of Ghanaian telecommunication industry milestones starting with the first commercial GSM network, UMTS 900, LTE, Mobile number portability, Managed Rural Coverage deployments, support service providers(MTN MoMo) in Mobile Financial Services through Ericsson Wallet Platform and many others.

Ericsson remains committed to supporting the telecommunication industry execute its strategic programs and ambitions. As Africa walks into the digital age, with the fourth industrial revolution at its shores, it becomes ever more important to work together with all industry stakeholders to bring digital prosperity across the region.

Imagine a world where limitless connectivity means limitless possibility. By creating connections that make the unimaginable possible, we are helping to shape an exciting and positive future. A world where limitless connectivity improves lives, redefines business and pioneers a sustainable future.

We invite you to explore the potential and power of limitless connectivity and what it means for our future world.

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Congratulations to the Bank of Ghana and the Fintech & Innovation Office on their global recognition in the 2024 GSMA Mobile Money Regulatory Index